

I had never heard the word Tributary before 2020. My friend Sam mentioned it during a brainstorm session while I was trying to re-brand my business. For me, the story matters most. I didn’t want to be known for my name. When I looked up the word, it stood out and seemed perfect for the story I try to represent with my work.

TRIBUTARY | a stream that flows into to a larger body of water. The noun tributary is related to the word tribute and both come from the Latin word tributum, meaning “a thing contributed or paid.”

For those of you into the Enneagram, I’m a textbook Four, also known as The Individualist. I love learning new things and the idea of stagnancy makes me sick. I want to constantly be growing as a person and as a creative. Since being in design school, I’ve learned a handful of additional skills that pair well with my creative and business goals. I’ve worked in all facets of graphic design, taught myself photography & calligraphy, worked in marketing & social media, dabbled in videography, and enjoy interior design. So when I think of this in terms of the word “tributary”…there are many streams of visual services that flow out of me.

Design & photography are not only passions, or forms of income for me. They’re my livelihood; my ministry.

Connecting to people is very important to me and these outlets are ways for me to see that manifested. As I’ve moved around the South & Midwest, I’ve been blessed by meeting a variety of new friends. For me, my relationship with God is the foundation for this desire to connect with others and I believe He has given me talent to help further His Kingdom! One thing I always hear about my photography is that my photos are full of joy! I give all the glory to Christ. I desire Tributary Studio to work for more than just money or recognition. The Holy Spirit is in me, and my prayer is to spread His joy and love to others while bringing people to know Him.
